Thursday, May 9, 2013

Purposeful Pathway Biz Tip: Quiet Time

Purposeful Pathway is a haven for faith-based entrepreneurs. It is a journey in which faith and business gracefully intertwine. It is a pathway paved with purpose, peace and passion. My hope is that, in reading, your businesses will grow and your lives will be enriched. My prayer is that these messages will allow God’s peace, love and joy to pave your purposeful pathways.

The focus of this “Biz Tip” is quiet time.

"He says, 'Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.'" (Psalm 46:10)

A routine that has allowed blessings to flow into my business is my morning quiet time. How we start our days sets the tone for the remainder of the day. It is important, therefore, to ensure we start the day with joy, peace, love and inspiration. It is crucial to start our days with God.

I wanted to share now with you my morning routine. I do not suggest you mimic exactly what I do, but I believe it will be beneficial to share what has worked very effectively in my life. I would love to read what has worked for you in the comment section.

  1. Requesting God’s presence and guidance: I ask God to lead me regarding the amount of time spent in each specific activity and to fill me with His Holy Spirit. I set the intention to be ever closer to Him and ever more like Him.
  2. Reading: I read through three parts of Scripture: a section of Old Testament, a section of Psalms, Proverbs or Ecclesiastes, and then a section of New Testament. I also read one chapter in each of several devotional books. This reading activity takes about twenty minutes, but it is a powerful way to frame my morning.
  3. Meditation: I meditate on what I have read, I marvel at God’s goodness and I think about how to apply what I have read in my life that very day. I commit to this Scriptural application.
  4. Prayer: I offer myself completely to God, ask for His cleansing forgiveness for where I have fallen short, request His blessings and His guidance throughout my day and commit to seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness in all things and at all times.
  5. Listening: I listen for Jesus’ voice. I still my heart to hear only Him. He often replies to my prayer, gives guidance for the day and inspiration for my life and business.
  6. Writing: I write a poem inspired my morning reading, meditation and prayer.
  7. Journaling: I journal about my spiritual journey; I also journal about how to grow my business in a way that glorifies God.
  8. Music: I listen to God-glorifying music while watching a slide show of inspirational nature photos. Unless my children are still sleeping, I enjoy singing to the music as I am doing this.
  9. Visioning: I close my eyes and vision where I would like to be spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, relationally, financially, vocationally in the near future, in the next five years, in the next ten years and over my lifetime.
  10. Mission Statement: I recite aloud my mission statement; these words encompass all areas of life.
  11. Close out with prayer: I pray again to thank the Lord for this quiet time and to ask again for the filling of His Spirit.

This may seem like a lengthy list, but I have found each activity to be of great value. When I “skimp” on my quiet time, I feel my doing so in the latter part of the day.

What does this have to do with business? In my eyes: everything. As Christian entrepreneurs, we are living and serving for God’s glory. We need to be filled completely with His Spirit as we start a new day. Quiet times allow us to align with God, be enriched with His Word, be inspired by His creation, be guided by His whispers, be warmed by His love and be led by His truth.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

This is the routine that has worked well for me; it has evolved over time, and I am sure it will continue to evolve. One thing that remains: the investment of a solid quiet time bears phenomenal fruit for mind, body, spirit…and business!

I would love to read about your morning quiet time routine in the comment section.

Celebrate “Quiet Time” with Poetry.

Quiet Time

“But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”  Matthew 6:6

Before You I kneel,
I come here in adoration,
For You are my life,
My source of salvation,

In this quiet time,
As the day does break,
As the sun rises,
As the earth does wake,

I offer all to You, Lord,
All I am, all I will be;
Yes, in this quiet time
I feel eternity.

I read Your Word now,
I meditate and pray,
I still myself to hear
All You wish to say.

“Daughter, I delight
To be here with you;
I cherish our quiet time,
Your heart I renew.”

“I accept the offering
Of your all, your everything,
I rejoice to see you meditate,
To hear you pray and sing.”

“So meet Me here each day,
This time set aside,
I will don you in white,
Betrothed to be My bride.”

In saying these words,
You ever fondly smile,
Love sparkling in Your eyes
At me all the while.

Yes, every day I shall arise
And surely meet You here,
These quiet times I hold
To my heart very dear.

Throughout the day,
It is Your face alone I see,
For in my quiet times
I taste eternity.

Brighter than the sun
As the day does break,
You are the Eternal One
Who does my soul awake.

You are my life,
My source of salvation,
So I come to You in quiet time
With love and adoration.

© 2013 Caroline Gavin

Caroline Gavin is a Christian Business Coach, Speaker, Author and Radio Host. As a Christian Business Coach and the Founder of Purposeful Pathway, she helps faith-based entrepreneurs pave their vocational paths, live with purpose and walk with God’s way. With years of experience in the financial and real estate industries, Caroline blends her passion for God, her financial expertise and her business acumen to create phenomenal results for her clients. She helps them to attract their own ideal clients, powerfully package services and systematize efforts so they can enjoy fun, fruitful and profitable businesses! Refresh with her poetry and glean practical wisdom from her Biz Tips at Connect with Caroline on Google+, Facebook and listen to her shows on Purposeful Pathway Radio. Contact her via for a free Christian Business Coaching Consultation. Also, enjoy a 7-week transformational journey: take the “Journey to Joy” free at

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